Principles of Biology Grade XI

Principles of Biology Grade XI

Price: RS. 675

Author: Dr. Udhab Raj Khadka Bimlendu Kumar Mishra Shiba Raj Ghimire Nabin Bandu Koirala

Subject: Biology

Grade: XI

Published Year: 2078

ISBN: 978-9937-9486-7-8

Version: English

  • Description
  • Syallabus

The Curriculum Development Center (CDC), Bhaktapur, Nepal has revised curriculum of class XI
biology in 2076 with substantial changes in previous curriculum. With the revision of the curriculum, the
text books available in the market became obsolete creating an opportunity to prepare the text book of
biology in accordance with the revised curriculum that fulfils the aims and aspiration of the revised
curriculum. Moreover, we received suggestions from instructors, teachers and students across the country
about the need of the book according to revised curriculum and addressing the gaps. Realizing the gap and
for fulfilling the need of teachers and students a team of enthusiastic and academically qualified authors,
having long teaching-learning and research experiences, working in different educational and academic
institutions come together for publishing the book that can facilitate easy teaching-leanings of the subject
matter in biology and fulfill the goals envisioned in the new curriculum. This book entitled “Principles
of Biology” for Grade XI is an outcome of encouragement from our esteemed colleagues,
teachers and students from different educational institutions across the country. Our proposal of
publishing the book was accepted by Ayam Publication and Distributors Pvt. Ltd.,
Kathmandu and facilitated us with the all administrative processes. Moreover, with the
support of CDC, through rigorous review from the anonymous reviewers, we received
constructive comments and suggestions that helped us bringing the book in this shape. Finally,
the CDC granted us with the permission for publishing the book.
As the book has been prepared entirely in accordance with the new curriculum prescribed
by Curriculum Development Center, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal, we hope that the
first edition of the book will fulfill the requirement of revised curriculum as well as the needs of
the instructors and students. The book contains 10 units and each unit has been divided into
chapters; and each chapter is provided with learning objectives and pedagogic approach for each
class for making effective class-room leanings. Each chapter is followed by exercise and
questions in the format provided by the CDC. We believe that the book will serve as a resource
book for instructors and teachers, and will help students prepare better ensuring their success
in competitive examinations related to biology along with preparing them for further advanced
studies in colleges/universities across the world. We expect feedbacks, about the presentations of
the contents and overall impression of the book, from the teachers, students and concerned
stakeholders for the further improvement of the book in forthcoming editions.
We hope that the book will be welcomed by teachers and students, and will make best use of this