College Chemistry – XI

College Chemistry – XI

Price: RS. 735

Author: Dr. Arun Kumar Sharma Krishna Prasad Poudel Girija Mani Aryal Ganesh Dahal Sushil Malla

Subject: Science

Grade: XI

Published Year: 2077

ISBN: 978-9937-9359-4-4

Version: English

  • Description
  • Syallabus

It is our great pleasure to present this text book entitled as “College Chemistry – Grade XI”, according
to the newly revised syllabus of Curriculum Development Center, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal, 2076.
This syllabus will be in focus from the academic year 2077. This will certainly meet the needs of the
students of grade XI.

An attempt has been made to keep the language simple and lucid to help the students (as well as
readers and teachers) understand the subject matter clearly.

The salient features of this text book are as follows:
i. A large number of numerical problems illustrate the applications of various concepts described
as well as the unsolved numerical problems.
ii. Solved questions
iii. Exercises
– Very Short Answer Questions
– Short Answer Questions
– Long Answer Questions
– Objective Questions

The above mentioned features on the whole provide the students with the following performances.
i. to get familiar with the subject matter well
ii. to meet the educational role of science students of Grade XI for competitive examinations in
medicines, engineering and others
iii. to seek the knowledge.

It is hoped that those features will make the book more useful and interesting as well to the students.
We are highly oblized to various personalities who gave invaluable support and encouragement directly
or indirectly to make this book produce.

The authors sincerely hope that the book will immensely benefit the readers. Despite our best efforts,
there may be some errors are brought to our notice.

Our acknowledgements are also due to Ayam Publication family which always supported us in our
every attempt. Last but not the least, we thank Mr. Resham Shrestha for his excellent type setting,
drawing and designing.

Any suggestions from the readers for the improvement of the book will be gratefully acknowledged to
improve this College Chemistry – Grade XI further.
